by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Sep 7, 2018 | Blog posts
So there I was at the end of June, finishing part one of the rewrite. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s my experience writing the first draft of it. To be honest I wasn’t actually as finished with the part one rewrite...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Jul 9, 2018 | Blog posts
So there I was, in late March, when I came to realise that my rewriting was a bit of a failure. You can read about my initial forays into rewriting here and the challenge of writing the first draft in a month here. I’d had a crack at it but it wasn’t working...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | May 11, 2018 | Blog posts
So Nanowrimo. I’d won. I’d done it. The first in a series of stories was complete, well the first draft anyway. I immediately hit a problem. What do I do next? The forward momentum I had used to write like a mad man during November stopped. Without the...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Apr 30, 2018 | Blog posts
I’ve written 3 first drafts now. I’m talking 3 novels each with a start, middle, and an end, 3 times. Yet not one of them is good enough to share with my friends or family. The big thing for me this year isn’t writing a story. It’s rewriting it. So the aim for the...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Sep 11, 2017 | Blog posts
So 4 months have passed between posts. That’s the entirety of fucking winter! Naturally, a lot of stuff has happened. Been some highs and some lows, some learning experiences and some fun times. Here’s a bit of an update. As I said at the end of my last...
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