by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Jul 9, 2018 | Blog posts
So there I was, in late March, when I came to realise that my rewriting was a bit of a failure. You can read about my initial forays into rewriting here and the challenge of writing the first draft in a month here. I’d had a crack at it but it wasn’t working...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | May 11, 2018 | Blog posts
So Nanowrimo. I’d won. I’d done it. The first in a series of stories was complete, well the first draft anyway. I immediately hit a problem. What do I do next? The forward momentum I had used to write like a mad man during November stopped. Without the...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Apr 30, 2018 | Blog posts
I’ve written 3 first drafts now. I’m talking 3 novels each with a start, middle, and an end, 3 times. Yet not one of them is good enough to share with my friends or family. The big thing for me this year isn’t writing a story. It’s rewriting it. So the aim for the...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Sep 11, 2017 | Blog posts
So 4 months have passed between posts. That’s the entirety of fucking winter! Naturally, a lot of stuff has happened. Been some highs and some lows, some learning experiences and some fun times. Here’s a bit of an update. As I said at the end of my last...
by The Amazing Sloth Rider | Dec 1, 2016 | Blog posts
Saturday 26th November 2016 It’s just ticked over to 12:30 AM. I’ve called it. Said I’ve finished the story. I’m done. But I’m not. This month I decided to attempt NaNoWriMo. That stands for National Novel Writing Month, and began as an idea between a group of friends...
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